Boat Identification
Simplified ID
Haul-out Visitors
Haul-out Locals
+297 588 3850
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Boat Identification
Simplified ID
Haul-out Visitors
Haul-out Locals
+297 588 3850
Sign in
Contact Us
Haul-out & Storage Contract Acceptance
Your Name
Your Email
Boat's Name
Haul-out date
Please indicate your preferred date, that we will try to accommodate as best as possible. No weekends, please
Exit of Storage or Launch date
This is the date when we will launch your boat or move her from Storage to Work Yard. Failure to comply, with a margin or 5 working days, will incur a re-programming fee, without prejudicing the application of the relocation fee, when we will move your boat. Such a fee would not apply should the delay be due to our Yard Team working on your boat.
Date of Acceptance
Please select today's date
I have read, understood, and accepted the Marina Haul-out, Storage and Launch Contract. I understand and agree to the penalty clause if I fail to launch or transfer my boat to the Work Yard within 5 working days of the date I hereby indicated (this date may be amended up to the haul-out day).